Monday, November 25, 2019

Red Pierrot Butterfly

Nature is the highest religion, the Earth it's temple and to know that you are one with it is the highest spiritual understanding.

A Red Pierrot in all its loveliness.

Laughing Dove by the Birdfeeder

Finally the bird feeder is blessed and so are we, with a guest frequenting it everyday..

A Laughing Dove

A Peahen in the back yard

Peahen in the backyard

A Red Vented BUlbul

यूँ ही नहीं मिलती राही को मंजिल,
एक जुनून सा दिल में जगाना होता है
पूंछा चिड़िया से… कैसे बना आश्यिाना?
भरनी पड़ती है उड़ान बार-बार
तिनका-तिनका उठाना होता है!

A Red Vented Bulbul, is picking up straws from a coconut birdhouse in my garden.

A Brown Headed Barbet

"If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down"

Earnings of the day. A Brown-headed Barbet at Residency Greens, Gurgaon