Friday, September 1, 2017

My Butterflies...

A butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough"- Rabindranath Tagore.

Cabbage White Butterfly this morning..

Except humans, all creatures treat nature delicately, taking what they need only, existing in harmony.
This unknown species of spider seems venomous as the Cupid Butterfly has turned black, entangled in the web.

"The real question is not whether life exists after death, the real question is whether you are alive before death..Osho"
Oriental Plains Cupid- Backyard.
A Common Grass Yellow- Backyard
When butterflies fall in love, do they have humans inside their stomach..?
A mating pair of Dark Grass Blue and one in background.
Can't have enough of the Red Pierrots , every time is a different setting.
"I drank that wine of which the soul is its vessel. Its ecstasy has stolen my intellect away. A light came and kindled a flame in the depth of my soul. A light so radiant that the sun orbits around it like a butterfly.--Rumi"

 An Indian Red Pierrot Butterfly pair mating. From the backyard.

“If you find me not within you, you will never find me. For I have been with you, from the beginning of me.” Rumi

A Plains Cupid settles down for some rest on Sunday afternoon.

“This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.” Rumi
A little playfulness, that's all is to life and what the heck I was thinking.
An Indian Cabbage White (Pieris Canidia), I just like the way it sits quietly amidst blue flowers.

"Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time"

-Deborah Chaskin
A Pale Blue Pansy pair...carefree as they always are..!!
Chinese Lemon Pansy and Indian Cabbage Butterflies engrossed in savouring the nector.
आप ही कीजिए, मंदिर मस्जिद में सजदा
हमने मैकदे के पास ही, घर बना लिया...

मरिजे ए इश्क़ ने, क्या खूब मर्ज़ निकाला
हुस्न को छोड़ कर, मय से दिल लगा लिया...

दंगो की आग में, जब जल गया शहर सारा
कुछ रिन्दों ने मिलकर, मैकदा बचा लिया...
By Prabhat Parvana.
An Indian Red Pierrot Butterfly..tiny as thumbnail
इश्क दी नवीयों नवीं बहार ।

उमर गवाई विच मसीती, अन्दर भरिआ नाल पलीती,
कदे नमाज़ तौहीद ना कीती, हुन की करना एं शोर पुकार ।
इश्क दी नवीयों नवीं बहार ।

इश्क भुलाइआ सजदा तेरा, हुन क्यों ऐवें पावें झेड़ा,
बुल्ल्हा हुन्दा चुप्प बथेरा, इश्क करेंदा मारो मार ।
इश्क दी नवीयों नवीं बहार ।
A Northern Lime Swallowtail Butterfly..

इश्क दी नवीयों नवीं बहार ।

हीर रांझे दे हो गए मेले, भुल्ली हीर ढूंडेदी बेले,
रांझा यार बुक्कल विच खेले, मैनूं सुध रही ना सार ।
इश्क दी नवीयों नवीं बहार ।

बेद कुरानां पढ़ पढ़ थक्के, सज्जदे करद्यां घस्स गए मत्थे,
ना रब्ब तीरथ ना रब्ब मक्के, जिस पाइआ तिस नूर अनवार ।
इश्क दी नवीयों नवीं बहार ।
Ever new, ever fresh is the spring of love!
Heer and Ranjha are united at last!
Deluded Heer had sought him in woods
While beloved Ranjha played in her veil,
Before Him I lost my senses and wits.

Sick of reading the Vedas and the Qurans,
My forehead is worn by constant obeisance.
God is not found at shrines or mosques,
Whoever found, found Him as Light of lights
Ever new, ever fresh is the spring of love!
Bulle Shah...2,contd..

An Oriental Cupid Butterfly.

इश्क दी नवीयों नवीं बहार..

जां मैं सबक इश्क दा पढ़आ, मसजद कोलों जीउड़ा डरिआ,
डेरे जा ठाकर दे वड़्या, जित्थे वज्जदे नाद हज़ार ।
इश्क दी नवीयों नवीं बहार ।

जां मैं रमज़ इश्क दी पाई, मैना तोता मार गवाई,
अन्दर बाहर होई सफ़ाई, जित वल्ल वेखां यारो यार ।
इश्क दी नवीयों नवीं बहार ।

Ever new, ever fresh is the spring of love
When I learnt the lesson of love,
My heart dreaded the sight of mosques.
I then entered the abode of the Lord,
Where resounded a thousand melodies.

When I understood the depths of love, all that's learnt like a Myana and Parrot is dead and lost.
Inside and outside are cleansed, I see my beloved everywhere.
Ever new ever fresh is the spring of love..
Bulleh Shah...1 contd..
I used to have lot of butterflies in my stomach, I have brought them out now 
"No amount of effort or practice can lead to liberation. Don't waste your time making efforts to get enlightenment. You are already free, here and now..."Sh. H W L Poonja-Papaji"

"Come let's drink from the same cup full of divine love.." said the Great Oriental Eggfly to the Ant
An Oriental Tiger Butterfly can't have enough of this little flossy flower this morning.
Rumi said " If you were a blade of grass or tiny flower, I will pitch my tent in your shadow. Only your presence revives my withered heart. You are the candle that lights the whole world and I am an empty vessel for your light."
These Calliandra Flowers ( Fire Cracking Indian ) are the main attraction for the Cabbage Butterflies.
" If you want butterflies to visit you, grow flowers in your garden.."
A day in Kathmandu, Nepal
22 Oct'16
It's soothing warm sun and this "Common Sailor Butterfly" has been floating around all day long in front of my room, I take it as an invite to capture her for my record.
A day in Kathmandu, Nepal.

An Indian Cabbage White is what it's called..Soft, Delicate, Restless & Carefree.
Earnings of the day..A bunch of beauties..

"Know yourself as seeing, not the seer, and you will find yourself everywhere.".Rupert Spira.
When a flower invites a Butterfly...!

And BulleShah is singing..

भांवे जाण ना जाण, वे वेहड़े आ वड़ मेरे
मैं तेरे क़ुर्बान वे वेहड़े आ वड़ मेरे ।
You may not take notice of me
But do come to me
I am a sacrifice unto you
Do come to me
तेरे जिहा मैंनु होर न कोई ढूंडा जंगल बेला रोही,
ढूंडा ताँ सारा जहान वे वेहड़े आ वड़ मेरे ।
I’ve looked around in fields and forest
There is none like you
Do come to me
लोकां दे भाने चार महिं डा राँझा लोकां विच कहिंदा,
साडा ताँ दीन ईमान वे वेहड़े आ वड़ मेरे ।
Cowherd you are to others
You are my faith, my beau 
Do come to me 
मापे छोड़ लगी लड़ तेरे शाह इनायत साईं मेरे,
लाईयां दी लाज पाल वे वेहड़े आ वड़ मेरे ।
Leaving my parents, I am tied to you,
Oh Shah Inayat, my beloved teacher
Do come to me
भांवे जाण ना जाण, वे वेहड़े आ वड़ मेरे
मैं तेरे क़ुर्बान वे वेहड़े आ वड़ मेरे ।
You may not take notice of me
But do come to me
I am a sacrifice unto you
Do come to me
Monsoon Special from around the house..!
1 Aug'16
Let this be a good day..!
Self realization is a strange term. You don't actually realize your "self". If anything, you move away. A caterpillar enters the cocoon of meditation: A butterfly emerges-Metamorphosis
Frederick Lenz
An Oriental Blue Tiger..had been dancing carelessly amidst sweet smell of Pine Trees, just when we arrived at Jamta Village, last week in H.P. Can I resist not framing it..Naaah 25 June'17.

Just love..
I have watched you now a full half hour; self poised on that yellow flower And, little butterfly..!Indeed I know not if you sleep or feed. How motionless.! not frozen seas More motionless and then What joy awaits you, when the breeze Hath found you out among the trees, and calls you forth again.....William Wordsworth
The pollens from the flowers have made this Cabbage Butterfly look even more gorgeous. You can look at beauty of nature with a scientist eye and start dissecting it..or you have a choice to look at it with a poets' eye....Enjoy.
Life is happening all around..A Chinese  Pansy..I guess
Earnings of the day..20 Sept'14

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